
We are going through the book of Nehemiah with our church and were asked a question yesterday, “What makes you weep?”. What a great question to reveal our heart. It took me awhile to sort through the things that not just make me sad, but break my heart enough to weep over them. A few that surfaced were over those who live in fear, believe a lie about their identity and live accordingly and for those that are unprotected in our world. And what made the top of the list, that these kind of branch off from, would be that I weep over the millions of people that do not know the unconditional love of God. I do not just mean those that are not Christians yet, but Christians that still live like orphans without a Father. It took me along time to finally get my heart aligned to the fact that I am a child of God. There just seemed to be so much more I need to do and not do.

I do not know what your plans are for this evening, but may I invite you to ask yourself the same question? What makes you weep? When you get the answer, it helps in giving you direction in places to serve. These days I can spot a heart pretty quick that knows they are unconditionally loved. They have this peace and light about them. You want to be in their company. Friend, I pray you know this to be true of you too.

4 thoughts on “Weeping

  1. Natalie
    I love your posts!
    You must go to CCBC; we go there and are studying Nehemiah! Love the pic of you, your husband and all your precious ones❤️
    Louise Keffler

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