waiting to speak

We read a familiar Bible story this morning and I noticed something new. In the account of the exchange between Zechariah and Gabriel, unbelief led to the loss of the ability to speak. When Zechariah wrote the truth, then he was given back his voice. It wasn’t the question that silenced him, it was unbelief. Mary too received impossible news, asked questions, but she responded with belief. However, that was not the end of either of their stories. Both Zechariah and Mary end up praising the God of grace and good news with a song.

I do not know about you, but unbelief is natural when faced with impossible. Maybe it is during times when we are kept quiet that God works to strengthen our faith. Then when we are given back our voice, so to speak, it sounds more like praise.

One thought on “waiting to speak

  1. I find that so true that when we are faced with the impossible. God truly works to strengthen our faith. Thank you Natalie for always posting such positive and enlightening stories.


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