a simple question

The days had been good and full, but there was this undercurrent of change that was tugging on me. Lack of sleep and too much sugar did not help either. Exhausted and unsettled was my state of heart. One simple question and it all came spilling out. Like colorful tops spinning away, I saw what had been normal changing. All is worthy to celebrate of course, but there had not been an opportunity for me to take some time to process. What do we do at this crossroads of change? We cannot go back, to stay exactly the same is impossible, so we choose to move forward. I wonder about many things, one being will I be faithful to participate in what He has called me to as a mother? In the midst of change, will I be overwhelmed or engaged? Will I get back up when I fail again and again?

I take a look back and see God’s faithfulness as our family has navigated many changes as all families do. With one child going into middle school, one more starting high school, another off to college and the oldest getting married, we will see His faithfulness many times over. He always has been faithful and He always will be. And so we move towards all that is changing with joy, dependence and gratitude.

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